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Saturday, September 7th, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
6757 40th Ave SW, Seattle
(just north of Lincoln Park, and east of California SW, in West Seattle)
*70+ easy care, perennial & evergreen plants, over 18 plant varieties
*Large sizes: 1-quart to 3-gallon sizes yield more mature plants. 4” pots also available for some varieties.
*Well below store prices. Range: $4-$14 ea.
*Fertilized with 6-month slow-release fertilizer to ensure healthy plants eager to grow when transplanted.
*Full plant descriptions, culture & care provided (See links below.)
HOSTA, JUNE — 2+ gallon container @ $14 ea
Hosta “June” features blue-green leaves with elegant lime or soft green variegation in the center. Relatively drought tolerant, it prefers Zones 3-9, part sun/shade. It grows 15" tall x 20" wide at maturity. “June” won the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit and was named Hosta of the Year in 2001. For more info: https://www.whiteflowerfarm.com/31618-product.html
HOSTA, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER*— 2+ gallon container @ $14 ea
A striking variegation of darker blue green leaves with crisp, white margins, vigorous, purple flowers, 10″ tall x 24″ wide, Prefers Zones 3-9, part sun/shade. It grows 15" tall x 20" wide at maturity. Truth in advertising: I am not entirely sure of the name of this variety, but the description is apt.
JAPANESE BARBERRY, CONCORD —1-quart container @ $11 ea.
A small barberry with deep maroon-purple foliage that becomes even more intense in the fall. This variety produces little to no viable seed, making it a great alternative over others. Dense, rounded growth; reaches 18 to 24 in. tall and wide. Likes full sun. For more info: https://www.monrovia.com/concorde-japanese-barberry.html
YELLOW SPIDER CHRYSANTHEMUM —1-gal. container @ $8 ea.
Now flowering, yellow potted spider mum, perfect for you fall display either in its original pot or planted in your garden.
CAREX, EVERILLO — 1-2-gal. container @ $8 ea. 3 for $20
Versatile and vigorous, with finely textured, variegated evergreen foliage & remarkable durability, Thrives in shade, yet tolerates full sun without burning. Long. Narrow leaves arch up from the crown and weep gracefully to form a well-behaved clump. Ideal container or landscape accent. Stunning en masse. For more info: https://www.monrovia.com/feather-falls-sedge-39336.html
CAREX, FEATHERFALLS — 1-2 gallon container @ 11 ea.
This Japanese selection tolerates full sun without burning and forms a super-sized, cascading clump of white and green variegated leaves. For more info: https://hoffmannursery.com/plants/details/carex-feather-falls-et-crx01-pp26199
CHECKERBERRY WINTERGREEN — 4” container $6 ea.
Wintergreen bursts into spring with fine, fire-engine red new leaves followed by small, fragrant flowers. The shiny green summer foliage sets afire again in fall, in deeper hues of burgundy-red. Maintains a compact, neat shape without pruning. Great ground cover, or container accent. For more info.: https://www.gardenia.net/plant/gaultheria-procumben
WESTERN SWORD FERN —2+-gal. container $9 ea.
One of the most robust and reliable, this hardy native fern offers superb texture with glossy, leathery, toothed, dark green foliage. Vigorous evergreen clumps are formed by many long fronds; up to four feet long in cool, shady sites. Keeps up appearances even in warm, dry areas, though plants prefer a moist soil during dry summers.
LIRIOPE (LILLYTURF), PURPLE EXPLOSTION — 1-quart containers $8 ea.
Versatile evergreen that forms a tight clump of dense, narrow, green foliage that are the perfect complement to the explosion of deep purple flower spikes in the fall. This exceptionally profuse flowering variety is sensational for use in mass plantings as ground cover, lining pathways, or edging perennial and shrub borders as well as containers. For more info: https://www.monrovia.com/purple-explosion-153-lilyturf.html
Hens and chicks that stay low to the ground as they self-propagate, making them good ground cover. They enjoy full sun, sandy soil and thrive on little water. For more info: https://www.gardendesign.com/succulents/hens-and-chicks.html
BLUE DART RUSH (JUNCUS TENUIS)— 1-gal. container $8 ea.
Grown for its stiff upright blue-green foliage, this variety is well suited to garden beds and mixed containers; can be grown as a pond plant but is also quite drought tolerant when grown in the garden. Full to part sun, moist soil. For more info: https://buchanansplants.com/plant-library/ornamental-grass/blue-dart-rush/
YELLOW ICE PLANT — 1-quart container $6 ea. 4” container $4 ea.
Cold-hardy succulent, great for cascading over rockeries or unsightly walls! Spreads to form a solid, colorful mat in full sun to bright shade. Tolerates rocky, lean soil heat & drought with little care. For more info: https://www.monrovia.com/yellow-ice-plant.html
HEUCHERA (CORAL BELLS), PALACE PURPLE — 1-quart container $8 ea.
Chosen 1991 Perennial Plant of the Year. Grown for the beautiful foliage which may range in color from olive green to bronze-green to a deep purple with a dark wine-red on the leaf underside. The tiny pinkish-white bell-shaped flowers are a dramatic contrast against the darker leaves. Evergreen. For more info: https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/heuchera-palace-purple/
LAMIUM, ORCHID FROST — 4” container $5 ea.
Lamium is one of the best choices for a tough yet showy perennial ground cover. Forms a spreading patch of small silver leaves with a stunning blue-green edge. Clusters of lavender-pink flowers appear in spring, then continue off and on until fall. For more info: http://www.perennials.com/plants/lamium-maculatum-orchid-frost.html
WOOLY THYME — 1-quart container $5 ea.
A durable herbaceous perennial herb with aromatic leaves, perfect for filling between stepping stones or as a water wise ground cover. Creates a low, lush mat of soft green foliage 3” tall and 12” wide. Works nicely tucked into a container, allowed to trail over the edge. The small, showy, pink flowers attract butterflies. Full Sun. For more info: https://www.monrovia.com/woolly-thyme.html
CULINARY OREGANO — 1-quart container @ $4 ea.
A must-have herb in a culinary garden, oregano is easy to grow and perfect for beginners. Grows well in containers or even as ground cover along a path more. For more info: https://www.almanac.com/plant/oregano
AJUGA, BLACK SCALLOP— 4” container @ $4 ea.
Lush burgundy/black foliage blankets the ground. Leaves are slightly more upright and wavy. Blue flower spikes appearing in late spring. Ajuga are extremely hardy ground covers that quickly form a dense carpet-like mat. For more info: https://www.bluestoneperennials.com/AJBS.html?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADwU7gkLPZXj7MxOI6RtvR6hukoel&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq_G1BhCSARIsACc7NxoyA0OerrGvQMlGykroaLs8jtUziWQYAqs5xEwS2po9pfjQMBkezZ4aAu2QEALw_wcB
ENGLISH IVY, GLACIER — 1-quart container @ $6 ea.
Attractive, deep green colored foliage marked with creamy white. One of the best choices for a fast-growing arrangement in in a container or wall/ground cover. Easy to grow vining plant that grows fairly quickly. For more info: https://www.gardencrossings.com/product/hedera-glacier/