We ask that parentshave students at school by 8:15 a.m.each morning so they will be settled in their classroom andready to begin learning at 8:30 a.m.School dismisses at 3:30 p.m. each school day.Students should not arrive before 7:50 a.m.unless they are enrolled in and attending the MAC program .

Car riders, walkers and bikers:The entrance for students arriving by car, on foot, or bike is on the north side of the building. Cars should enterfrom Battle Ave. to Canon Drive between7:50 a.m. and 8:25 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.Please do not park in the lot behind the school and let your children out.Car riders must go through the car lanes to drop off their child.The entrance from Figuers Drive is to only be used for busses bringing students to and from school.The north side entrance near the gym will be locked at 8:25 a.m. sharp each morning.If you arrive after 8:25 a.m., you must enter through the front office.

Second-third- and fourth-grade students coming to school between 7:50 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. are to go directly to the Gymnasium.Kindergarten and first-grade students are to go directly to their grade level commons area.Students will be supervised until their teacher picks them up at 8:20 a.m.

If a student is brought to school late,the parent or guardian must park in the parking lot off Figuers Drive and bring the child into the office to sign them in and receive a tardy slip. This will be necessary to be allowed into the classroom.Please do not drop them off or park in the bus lane.

Instruction stops at 3:20 pm and dismissal procedures begin at 3:30 p.m. Those students being picked up in cars will be available at the north side of the building.Students should be picked up no later than 3:40 p.m.Students still at school at that time that will be taken to MAC if enrolled or taken to the school office and parents will be called.

CHANGES IN TRANSPORTATION:If an occasion arises where your child’s normal transportation plans mustchange,always send a signed note to your child’s teacher.If an unexpected change should occur during the school day,please call the school office prior to 2:00 p.m. to give the office staff time to inform your child’s teacher of the change. Please do not call with transportation changes after 2:00PM.

Student AM Drop Off:

  • Parents will drop-off and pick up children on the north side of the building, entering off ofBattle Avenue and Cannon Drive.Students will enter the building through gym hall doors.
  • Parents/guardiansmay drop students off between 7:50 and 8:25 a.m. when the building is open for students. Students should not be dropped off before 7:50 a.m. since there will be no supervision provided.
  • Please use the lane closest to the building to drop off students in the morning, remain in single file anddo not pass cars ahead of you.
  • Be sure students are ready to exit their cars as soon as you are within 4 or 5 cars of the entrance to avoid traffic back up.
  • Please go through the drop off lanes anddo not drop off your child in the back parking lot.All drivers in the drop-off lane should remain in their cars.
  • If you prefer walking your child in, please park in the front parking lot, sign in, and walk your child in.
  • Please drive slowly anytime you are on campus. Reckless driving in a school zone will be reported to the Franklin Police Department.
  • Anytime your child is later than 8:25 a.m. arriving to school, whatever the reason (running late, doctor’s appointments, etc.), a parent or guardian must accompany them to the office and sign them in.Main entrance doors (on Figuers Drive) are the only ones open after 8:25 a.m.
  • Bus riders will enter the building through the front entrance off of Figuers Drive.Kindergarten students will go to the kindergarten commons and first grade student to first grade Commons.2nd– 4thgrade students will go to the gym.If students will be eating breakfast, they will go directly to the cafeteria.

Student PM Car Rider Pick Up:

  • Students are dismissed beginning at 3:30 p.m. Parents/guardians picking up students should drive to the crosswalk and place their car in park to wait for their children.If you are going to wait awhile, please turn off your engine to reduce emissions.
  • Student Pick Up Permit for Car Riders:All parents must have a completed Student Pick Up Permit displayed on their dashboard to pick up their student(s) by car.These were given in the registration packet.If you need another, you may pick one up in the office.If a parent does not have a Pick Up Permit, they will not be allowed to pick up their child from the car lanes.Parents without the pick up permit will need to pick up theirchild(ren) in the school office after regular dismissal.Bottom line:IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR PERMIT DISPLAYED, THE CHILD WILL NEED TO BE PICKED UP IN THE OFFICE.
  • Please stay in your car when you come to pick up your children.Please do not go to the sidewalk to meet your child because it slows the dismissal process.
  • If your child is a car rider, please drive through the pick-up lane.Please do not park in an adjacent lot and walk to get your child, or expect them to come to you.
  • Students walking home from school will be excused with car riders.
  • Please do not park in the lanes in front of the schoolas these lanes are fordeliveries andbussesonly.Also, please do not drive through or drop off students in these lanes.
  • If you need to come to the school office, please park in the Figuers Drive parking lot and walk in the front doors to the office.
  • At dismissal, bus riders will be dismissed to the halls to wait for their bus to be called.Busses will be parked at the Figuers entrance of the building.
  • Pre-Kindergarten pick up will be at the north side of the building. Please enter through the drive off Battle Ave andCanon Drive.
  • Children riding home with other parents:The custodial parent must write a note and send with their child informing the homeroom teacher of the name of the parent and child with whom they are to ride home. This note will be sent to the office before 9:00 am.Upon the dismissal of car riders, the students involved will be sent to the office for pick up andare not to go to the pick-up line.The receiving parent must come into the office to pick up the studentsand be on the pick-up list provided by the custodial parent.If the receiving parent is not on the pick-up list, a phone call will be made to the custodial parent to confirm the arrangement.


Everyone at Franklin Elementary (FES) and in the Franklin Special School District (FSSD) keeps the district vision ofexcellence for teaching and learning for all”at the forefront of all our decisions.Meeting the varied needs of students is the most important task we have as educators.Teachersdesign and implement instruction with each student’s ability level in mind, making sure success is within reach at all levels. To achieve this goal, teachers use flexible, tiered instruction in math, reading, and language arts. This means that students who excel will be challenged at higher levels and students who need additional instruction or intervention to understand the material will receive that help on his/her level. This extra learning time may be provided by the student’s regular teacher or by another qualified teacher in the building. A variety of assessments are used to determine how well the interventions are working to meet the student’s needs.

Sometimes, teachers need assistance from a team of teachers or other specialists at school to determine the best strategies for student success. A team, known as theAcademic / Behavior Support Team (ABST), is in place to provide necessary support to teachers as they work to find the best interventions for each student. On occasion, the ABST will suggest a change in strategy or may ask for a parent conference. When the Academic Support Team meets to discuss a student’s progress, families will receive a confidential, brief summary of that discussion. Families will be notified of the support that they may provide at home to help the child reach his/her learning target.If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact either of our reading coaches,Miriam Hyman(K-1 Reading Coach)or Ann Barker(2-4 Reading Coach).


The sole authority for the enforcement of the compulsory attendance laws are placed on the local Board of Education and its designated employees (TCA 49-6-3006).

Excused Absences:FSSD Board policy6.200on attendance lists excusedabsences as ​follows:

  • Personal illness or illness of immediate family member
  • Personal Injury
  • Homebound
  • Hospitalization
  • Pregnancy
  • Death in the family
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Religious observances
  • Military service of parent or guardian
  • School endorsed activities
  • Summons, subpoena, or court order
  • Extenuating circ*mstances which, in the judgment of the principal, createemergencies over which the student has no control, determined on a case-by-case basis

Absences not due to reasons above will be considered unexcused and the student will be responsible for making up missed work upon his/her return.When a student is absent, please call the school by 9:00 A.M.​andstate the reason for the absence. This communication helps as the attendance secretary is verifying absences and assists her with accountability of all students. The attendance secretary will call a student’s parent/guardian regarding all absences not verified. When your child returns to school, please email Angela Darnell, darnellang@fssd.org ,or hand deliver a note to the attendance secretary explaining the absence(s) within 7 daysfrom the day the child returns to school.Otherwise, the absence will be marked as unexcused. If you send the note to school through your child, we encourage you to follow up by phone or email with the attendance secretary to ensure that it has been received and properly documented

Unexcused AbsenceLAWS (Tennessee Code Annotated – TCA):

  • TCA 49-6-3007 requires the principal to notify parents when a child is absent 5 cumulative days.
  • TCA-49-6-3001 School Attendance Law which requires all children ages 6-17 inclusive to attend school each day.
  • (TCA-49-6-3007)communicates the steps involved in the required TieredTruancy Intervention Plan

FSSD Tiered Truancy Intervention Plan:Truancy only refers to UNEXCUSED absences. All schools now must follow a new state law(TCA-49-6-3007)that requires school personnel to follow a truancy intervention plan for students who are accruing unexcused absences.

  • 3 Unexcused AbsencesThe principal or principal’s designee will notify the parent(s) when the student reaches3 unexcusedabsences to let them know that the5thunexcusedabsence will trigger the FSSD Truancy Intervention Plan.This communication will reference the need to supply a doctor’s note within 7 days from the day they return to school or Tier IIintervention will be implemented if they accrue2 more unexcused (totaling 5 unexcused)absences.
  • Tier 11- 5 Unexcused Absences:Tier IIintervention will be implemented when a child has accrued5unexcused absences.Tier IIwill require tasks to be completed by parent/guardian and student:
    • Tier IIunexcused absence letter goeshome from the school.
    • Conference withstudent and their guardian at the date and time noted in the letter.
    • In addition to the letter, the principal or principal’s designee will call the family to notify them of the time/date of the conference.
    • Principal or assistant principalmeets with parent/guardianto review:
    • Attendance Contractreviewed and signed by all parties
    • Reference of consequences (referenced in the letter: Truancy Court, other disciplinary action from school)
    • Principal or assistant principalwill determine what form of follow up will occur. For example, meetings or phone calls may be with the student(dependent upon age),the parent/guardian,student and parent/guardian.
  • Tier III– 8 Unexcused Absences:Should Tier IIrequirements not be met and the student acquires 3 more UNEXCUSED absences, totaling8 UNEXCUSED absences, Tier IIIwill be implemented in addition to Tier IIfor the parent/guardian and the student:
    • Tier IIIunexcused absence letter goeshome from the school.
    • Individual assessment by aschoolemployee(counselor or parent liaison if needed).
    • Discussreasons student has been absent from school and if necessary, referral of the child to counseling, community-based services, or other in-school or out-of- school services aimed to address the attendance issue.
    • Actions thatmaybe taken to complete the assessment:
      • Phone Call
      • Student Meeting
      • Home visit
      • Identify additional supports provided by the school and expectations of the student
      • Document what support/resources have been offered and if they have been or are utilized. (NOOK, Social Worker, DCS, Other)
      • Referral to district social worker
  • 10+ Unexcused Absences:If UNEXCUSED absences continue toaccumulate,interventions may result in a referral to the Williamson County Juvenile Court for truancy and a referral to the Department of Children’s Services:

FSSD Supervisor of Safety and Attendance will evaluate the attendance progress of the student, contact pertinent school personnel, and determine which action listed below is most appropriate in each case:

  • Refer the student to Williamson County Juvenile Court for truancy
  • Refer the student back to Tier IIIand continue the current intervention plan
  • Refer the student back to Tier IIIand make recommendedchanges/additions to the intervention plan (These decisions on a case by case basis)
  • See:Senate Bill 196 and TCA 49-6-3006

Chronic Absenteeism(excusedandunexcused absences):Chronic absenteeismincludes both excused and unexcused absences. Research indicates numerous absences from school negatively impact a student’s achievement and success.In FSSD, attendance is monitored to determine what barriers, if any, are impacting a child’s ability to be in school on time and for the full day. We want to help eliminate ALL barriers that keep children out of school so our school attendance secretaries,principals and/or the district Safety and Attendance Supervisor will contact parents/guardians if absences appearto be leading toward chronic absenteeism. The Tennessee Department of Education’s reporting standards use attendance data as an indicator of school quality and student success.

Other Notifications Of Absences AndTardies:In addition to the above communication, when a student accumulates 5 and 8 unexcusedtardies, the parent/gaurdian will receive a letter from the attendance secretary.When a student accumulates 10+ absences (excused or unexcused) and/or 10+absenses (excused or unexcused), a referral will be made to the district Safety and Attendance Supervisor. A letter will be sent to the parent from the district Safety and Attendance Supervisor indicating that excessive absences may result in juvenile court proceedings.
Once a student accrues 10+ absences ortardies, he/she will also be required to submit a doctor’s note for absences ortardiesto be excused for the remainder of the school year.It should be noted that if a student is not in school for three (3) hours and 15 minutes, the student is considered absent according to state regulations.

Early Dismissal:Leaving school early is strongly discouraged due to the loss of instructional time and disruption to the learning environment. However, ifyou know your student will need to be checked out early, please send a note to the teacher. Students leaving early must be signed out in the school office by parents/guardians.​ ​If the student is leaving early because of a medical appointment, parents/guardians are encouraged to get an excuse note prior to leaving the medicalfacility and provide it to the front office upon the student’s return.We appreciate your efforts to make appointments during non-school hours. Please note, an early dismissal is also considered a tardy. Please note , an early dismissal is also considered a tardy.

No Advance Assignments:Teachers will not send makeup work for days absent inadvance.It will be the parent and student’s responsibility to get the work when the student returns. This allows the teacher to set aside work as the week goes on, rather than havingto hastily prepare it prior to the absence.

Tardiness:A student is considered tardy to school if he/she is not in his/her homeroom when the bell rings at 8:30 a.m. or if he/she is checked out from the office before the school day ends. There will be exceptions for students arriving on late buses. Tardiness related to oversleeping, traffic, weather, or not leaving home on time is unexcused. A student who is tardy to school must report to the officewith a parentto sign in and get a class admission slip. If a student is late becauseof a medical appointment,please provide an excuse note from the medical office. When a child comes to school late, it causes him/her to get off to a delayed start and disrupts the classroom.

Warranted Absences:A principal may, at his/her discretion, allow a student to have up to 5 days warranted absence, i.e., absence for family emergency, unusual circ*mstance, etc. These days, applied for by the parents in writing, will beunexcused, and subject to the policy stated above regarding 5 unexcused absences.However, these warranted absences will be noted and will not count against the child/parent regarding truancy.Subsequently missed unexcused days will follow the above stated policy. Teachers are not required to give missed work prior to their leaving but will provide missed work upon a child’s return.The student has a time equal to the absence to turn in the missed work.

Additionally, students who need to be out of school for similar circ*mstances—family emergencies, unusual circ*mstances, etc.—formorethan 10 days will be withdrawn from school and re-enrolled upon their return. As these students are not technically FSSD students during this time, teachers shall not give homework to the student.


School Health Protocols:
First aid and health care provided by the school nurse is primarily for illness andinjuries whichoccur during the school day.The school nurse, according to law, is not allowed to make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment or administer medication without a signed medication form.Please help us to provide a safe and healthy environment by reading and following the policies and procedures below.Please feel free to contact our school nurse, Sandra Deal, dealsan@fssd.org,to discuss any health concerns you have regarding your child.

School Health Screenings:
Free health screenings will be provided throughout the school year in compliance with guidelines of the Tennessee State Department of Education.These may include, but are not limited to, vision, speech, hearing, dental, height, weight and blood pressure.Please contact theschool nurseif you wish to decline screening or have questions.

Medications at School:
State law prohibits dispensing of medications, both prescription and non-prescription, at school without a completed medication form. This includes medications such as cough drops, Tylenol, Motrin, and ointments such as Neosporin.If your child requires medication during the school day, or if you would like to have medications available at school to be given if needed, please complete a medication request form.These forms are available from the school clinic or can be downloaded from the district website. All medications administrered at school must be FDA approved.

For chronic health conditions such as diabetes, food allergies and asthma, an individualized healthcare plan (IHP) should be developed to provide for the health needs of those students (see your school nurse immediately upon school entry).In the event of an emergency at school and medications have not been made available, 911 will be called.

Prescription medicationsrequire both a doctor’s signature and a parent/guardian signature.The medication must be brought to school in a labeled prescription medication bottle from the pharmacy.

Non-prescription (over the counter)medicationsrequire a parent/guardian signature.The medication must be in a new, unopened container with the name of the medication and expiration date clearly visible.

All medications must be brought to school by a parent/guardian.It is a violation of state law for students to possess medications on the school bus or school grounds unless provided for in the IHP.

Before and After School Activities
Upon enrollment in a before or after school program including, but not limited to, MAC and clubs, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the activity coordinator/staff of any health concerns and the location of any emergency medications, such as epinephrine auto-injectors, albuterol inhalers,Diastat, and Glucagon.The school nurse can be contacted by the parent and/or staff member to share the student’s IHP and coordinate access to the student’s emergencymedications whichmay be available on school grounds.

Illness at School:
Students should not come to school if…

  • They have had fever of 100 degrees or higher in the past 24 hours.
  • They have had vomiting or diarrhea two or more times in the past 24 hours.
  • They have been on antibiotics for strep throat, pinkeye or other infections forlessthan 24 hours.

Students will be sent home for….

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher (must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school).
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea (Must be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school).
  • Unexplained rash (must have a doctor’s note that they are not contagious to return to school).
  • Suspected Pink Eye (Must have 24 hours of antibiotic treatment before returning to school, ora note from the doctor stating the student is not contagious).
  • Lice (FSSD has a strict NO NIT, NO BUG policy) See nurse for Lice Eviction guidelines.

It is very important that we have your home, work and cell phone numbers.Please make sure to notify us of any changes.We must be able to contact you in case of an emergency, illness or injury.


Please talk with your child about your expectations of his/her behavior and performance at school.We will work diligently with students and parents to help students develop self-discipline in our students, but we will not allow a disruptive student to interfere with the learning of other students.Students who deviate from acceptable behavior should expect to be disciplined.

The faculty of Franklin Elementary has adopted a school wide discipline policy.Included in this policy is the use of an in school detention room (ISD) for those students who choose not to behave properly.

Franklin Elementary Discipline Policy:

  1. All personnel are responsible for all students all the time.
  2. It is the responsibility of each teacher to maintain discipline in his/her classroom.When a child receives a demerit is at the discretion of the faculty member.
  3. A child will be sent to the office for the following reasons:
    • Received 5 demerits within any one week (Mon. – Fri.).
    • Received 2 demerits within any one day.
    • Committed any severe offense found on the yellow Discipline Report Form: stealing, swearing or inappropriate language heard by an adult, fighting, possession of dangerous objects, vandalism, disrespectful conduct, and/or intimidation / bullying.
  4. Once a child is sent to the principal’s office, the consequence will be at the discretion of the principal or assistant principal.
  5. When a faculty member issues a demerit to a child he/she will complete a demerit slip.The distribution of the demerit slip is as follows:
    • Parent receives white copy.
    • Issuing teacher keeps a copy and the homeroom teacher receives a copy.
    • It will be the responsibility of the homeroom teacher to follow-up to insure the white copy is returned signed.
    • When a child receives 5 demerits within a week (Mon. – Fri.), or 2 demerits within a day, he/she will be sent to the officealong with his/her copies of demerit slips and a yellow discipline reportso the principal/assistant principal will know the offenses committed.The demerit slips will be returned to the homeroom teacher.A copy of the completed discipline report will be sent to thehome roomteacher, administration, parent, ISD teacher assistant, and school counselor.

FES Behavior Expectations -BeRespectful,Own It,Act Safely & BeResponsible |ROAR

Bus Conduct/Discipline:Since the school bus is an extension of school activity, bus riders should conduct themselves in a manner consistent with established safety standards and classroom conduct.If a student behaves inappropriately while riding the bus, he/she will face the following consequences:

  1. A Bus Conduct Report will be completed by the bus driver as a first warning and forwarded to the principal.
  2. Two Bus Conduct Reports will result in a three to five day suspension from the privilege of riding the bus.
  3. Three Bus Conduct Reports will result in an additionalten daysuspension from the privilege of riding the bus.
  4. Four Bus Conduct Reports or zero tolerance offenses will result in suspension from the privilege of riding the bus for the remainder of the school year.
  5. The parent/legal guardian is held legally responsible for any damage to the bus and/or bus equipment by his/her child.

FSSD Discrimination/Harassment and Bullying/Intimidation Policy
The Franklin Special School District Board of Education revised its policy related todiscrimination/ harassment and bullying/intimidationin March 2013. While the policy in its entirety may be found at this linkhttp://boardpolicy.net/documents/files/franklinspecial/6304.pdfa brief summary follows:

In an effort to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment, acts of bullying, cyber-bullying, discrimination, harassment, hazing or any other victimization of students are strictly prohibited. Bullying is considered an act that substantially interferes with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, and the act has the effect of:

  • Physically harming a student or damaging his/her property
  • Placing a student in reasonable fear of harm
  • Causing emotional distress
  • Creating a hostile educational environment

Bullying may also be unwelcome conduct based on race, nationality, origin, color, gender, age, disability or religion that is severe, pervasive or persistent and creates a hostile learning environment. See the detailed policy with further definitions related to cyber-bullying and hazing.

School administrators are responsible for educating and training their respective staff and students related to the above-mentioned policy revisions. Alleged victims, staff members, students, parents and all other members of the school community should report suspected incidents of discrimination/harassment and bullying/intimidation to the building administrator.The principal or assistant principal at each school shall be responsible for investigating and resolving all reported complaints. School administrators shall consider the nature and circ*mstances of the incident, the age of the violator, the degree of harm, previous incidences or patterns of behavior, or any other factors, as appropriate to properly respond to each situation. Upon the determination a violation of policy has occurred, a written report will be delivered to the parents/guardians of the complainant, parents of the accused and to the Director of Schools.

The Director of Schools will prepare a report each year in July detailing all bullying cases brought to the attention of school officials during the prior academic year. The report shall also indicate how the cases were resolved and/or reasons a case may still be pending. This report shall be presented to The Board of Education and submitted to the State Department of Education.

Retaliation against any person who reports or assists in any investigation of an act alleged in this policy, including the reporting of false accusations, is strictly prohibited.Appropriate consequences and remedial action shall be determined by the school administratorafter consideration of the nature, severity, and circ*mstances of the act.

All school community members are encouraged to maintain open lines of communication involving incidents that may be a violation of this policy. It is very important students feel empowered to reach out to a trusted adult and bring to lightactions whichmay constitute bullying, harassment, discrimination, or intimidation. Parents/gaurdians, teachers, guidance counselors, and school administrators play key roles ensuring students have appropriate open lines of communication. If you have further questions please read the policy in full and contact the school for assistance and clarification.



Students should dress appropriately for comfort, the weather, and learning. All students are expected to dress in a way that respects the right of others.

Tennis shoes are required to be worn to school daily.Since students participate in physical education and recess every day, they need to wear safe, comfortabletennis shoesto school each day (excluding picture days).

Students should not wear clothing that exposes an undue amount of skin. This includes see-through garments, excessively short skirts or shorts, halters, backless dresses, spaghetti straps, shirts or blouses that expose the midriff, or clothing not properly fastened or torn.

Students are not allowed to wear clothing, buttons, or other items or markings that are offensive, suggestive, or indecent, associated with gangs, or encourage the use of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, or violence.



Franklin special school district general notice to parents regarding provisions under title VI, title IX, section 504, and title IV-A:

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:Title VI is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972:Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.It states that:“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Section 504—Federal Civil Rights Statute enacted in 1973:Section 504 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.It states that: “No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States . . . shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance..”

Section 504 regulations require school districts to provide a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) to each qualified student with a disability who is in the school district’s jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability.That is, students with disabilitiesshouldbe provided with educational services designedto meet their individual needsto the same extent as the needs of students without disabilities are met.An appropriate education for a student with a disability under the Section 504 regulations could consist of education in regular classrooms, education in regular classes with supplementary services, and/or special education and related services.

To be protected under Section 504, a student must be determined to:

  • havea mental or physical impairment thatsubstantially limitsone or more major life activities including learning and behavior.
  • havea record of such impairment
  • beregarded as having such impairment

More Information or Grievances:For more information regarding nondiscrimination policies, contact Dr. Cheryl Robey, who coordinates Section 504 compliance efforts.Dr. Robey may be reached at (615) 794-6624.

For grievances, contact Dr. Mary Decker or Dr. David Essinger, at (615) 794-6624.

Inquiries and complaints may also be directed to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue S.W., Washington D.C. 20202; telephone:(800) 421-3481 or (877) 521-2172.

Title IV-A:Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act:The Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act is designed to support programs that prevent violence in and around schools; that prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; that involve parents and communities; and that are coordinated with related Federal, State, school, and community efforts and resources to foster a safe and drug-free learning environment that supports student academic achievement.

Unsafe School Choice Option:Each State receiving funds under this Act shall establish and implement a statewide policy requiring that a student attending a persistently dangerous public elementary or secondary school, as determined by the State in consultation with a representative sample of local educational agencies, or who becomes a victim of violent criminal offense, as determined by State law, while in or on the grounds of a public elementary school or secondary school that the student attends, be allowed to attend a safe public elementary school or secondary school within the local educational agency, including a public charter school. Transportation shall be provided by Franklin Special School District.

Likewise, families of students who attend schools designated as “unsafe” due to a pattern of violence and/or the student is a victim of a violent crime on school premises, the parent may choose to transfer his/her child to a school that is not designated as unsafe. Transportation shall be provided by Franklin Special School District.

Right to Review Teacher Qualifications:Parents of Franklin Special School District students have the right to know professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct their children. Federal law, under ESSA § 1112(e)(1)(A),allows them to ask for certain information about classroom teachers, which the school district will provide in a timely manner.

Specifically, parents have the right to ask for the following information about each child’s classroom teacher:

  • Whether the Tennessee Department of Education has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
  • Whether the Tennessee State Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special circ*mstances.
  • Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of their certification.
  • Whether any teachers’ aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if they do, their qualifications.

If you would like to receive any of this information, call the FSSD Human Resources department at 615-794-6624.

TheFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act(FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the FSSD, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records.However, the FSSD may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures.The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the FSSD to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain school publications.Examples include:

  • A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production;
  • The annual yearbook;
  • Honor roll or other recognition lists;
  • Graduation programs; and
  • Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members.

Directory information can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that publish yearbooks or sports conferences.

FSSD has designated the following PIIcontained in a student’s educational record as “directory information”:

  • student name
  • physical and electronic mail address
  • date and place of birth
  • participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • honors and awards
  • dates of attendance and grade level

FERPA– Parental Access to Student Records:The Franklin Special School District schools collect and maintain student records to provide a basis for evaluation and delivery of services to students. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) sets out requirements designed to protect the privacy of parents and students. Specifically, the statute governs disclosure of records maintained by educational institutions. In brief, the statute provides that such institutions must provide parents of students access to official records directly related to the student, and an opportunity for a hearing to challenge such records on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate; that institutions must obtain the consent of parents before releasing personally identifiable data about students from records to other than a specified list of exceptions; and that parents and students must be notified of these rights.

Types of Information–The school system maintains various types of records as described below:

  1. Attendance Records
  2. Scholastic Records
  3. Medical Records
  4. Discipline Records including Individual Assessment
  5. Directory Information*
  6. System-wide group Test Results
  7. Special Education Data

Public release can also include, but is not limited to, the district’s website and social media accounts. The FSSD produces news releases, web pages, publications, videos, and other media that highlights and describes student achievements in public education. These communications may include student images to be used on the school or district website, district social media accounts, as well as for promotional purposes in local, regional and national media (newspaper, radio or television stations). Upon enrollment, parents are asked to return aPublication Consent Form for Student Images or Work. If a parent or guardian does not want a student’s directory information released or published in any manner (i.e. school publications, such as the directory, the yearbook, honor roll or recognition lists, promotions programs and sports activity sheets), aNon-Release of Directory Information Formis available in theschool office and should be completed and returned to the school. Forms remain active throughout a student’s time in the FSSD. It may only be voided by parent or guardian signature.

Locations and Authorized Custodians–The primary source of access is the school in which a student is enrolled. The principal is the authorized custodian for these records. The Director of Special Education regulates records of students involved in Special Education Programs, including the dates of individual assessments. If a student leaves the FSSD, the student record will be sent to the new school upon written request from that school.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records.They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the Franklin Special School District (FSSD) receives a request for access.
  2. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal [or appropriate school official] a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect.The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  3. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
  4. Parents or eligible students may ask FSSD to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading.They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
  5. If the FSSD decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, FSSD will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  6. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  7. Oneexception which permits disclosure without consentis disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.A school official is a person employed by the FSSD as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the FSSD has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
  8. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  9. [Optional] Upon request, the FSSD discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.[Note: FERPA requires a school district to make a reasonable attempt to notify the student of the records request unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.]
  10. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the FSSD to comply with the requirements of FERPA.The office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC20202-4605

Children may qualify for consideration under theMcKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Actif any of the following apply: you live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, abandoned building or trailer, or other inadequate accommodations or if you live with friends or relatives because of the inability to afford adequate housing.

If any of these apply, you may be entitled to all services, rights and protections provided under this law. Children have the right to attend school. They have the right to continue in the school last attended before becoming homeless (if that is your choice and it is feasible) and receive transportation to the school last attended before becoming homeless if requested. Children may enroll in a school without a permanent address, school records, or immunization records in hand. The school will provide assistance in obtaining proper documentation and homeless children will receive the same special programs and services provided to all children. For more information, please call Mr. Pax Wiemersat 615-794-6624.


School staff members are required by law to report any suspicions of child abuse to appropriate authorities for investigation.Neglect and lack of proper supervision are considered forms of abuse.

The Franklin Special School District Child Find program identifies preschool through eighth-grade children with special education needs including mental retardation, developmental delays, autism, specific learning disabilities, serious emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, intellectually gifted, traumatic brain injury, blindness, and the following impairments: speech/language, hearing, orthopedic, visual, and physical.

Educational needs are determined through parent interviews and child evaluations. Areas evaluated may include, but are not limited to vision, hearing, speech and language, motor, cognitive and adaptive development.

Following the evaluation, if a child is identified as meeting the Tennessee State Eligibility Standards and their needs cannot be met in the regular classroom, an Individual Education Program (IEP) will be developed for the child and an appropriate program offered to the child’s educational needs.

Available Support Services:

  • Assistive Technology
  • AudiologicalServices
  • Behavioral Interventions
  • Counseling Services
  • Homebound Instruction
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Psychological Services
  • School Health Services
  • Speech/Language Therapy
  • Vision Therapy

For more information about Special Education services in the Franklin Special School District, please contact our Instructional Facilitator for Special PopulationsDr. Cheryl Robey, at 615-794-6624.

The FSSD adheres to all federal and state requirements as outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or the Tennessee Special Education Eligibility Standards.


Breakfast:Breakfast is important!Please make sure your child has a good breakfast to start their day.Breakfast is available each morning in the cafeteria between 7:50 and 8:20 a.m.Breakfast will not be served after 8:20 a.m.

Breakfast Prices:

  • Students K-8 – $2.75
  • Reduced Breakfast K-8 -$.30
  • Employees and Adults -$3.00

Lunch Prices:

  • Students K-8 -$3.75
  • Reduced Lunch K-8 -$.40
  • Employees -$4.25
  • Adult Visitors -$4.25
  • Children Visitors -$3.75
  • Holiday Visitors -$6.00

A variety ofa la carteitems are also available. A lacartedessert choices will be offered to students using the following schedule:Monday – 4thgrade, Tuesday – 3rdgrade, Wednesday – 2ndgrade, Thursday – 1stgrade, Friday – kindergarten.

Your Cafeteria and the FSSD Child Nutrition Program:Your school participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program allowing us to provide a healthy breakfast and lunch each school day.The cafeteria serves a well-balanced meal every day.Each student is assigned an individual code to track participation and account information.Menus for Breakfast and Lunch are posted on the school web site and theMealViewermobile app.

FAQ regarding food service:

  • How to pay and can I pay ahead?You may send cash or checks to your school. Please be sure to label your check with your child’s full name. Checks should be made out to your school cafeteria.Lunch monies must be paid separately from any other monies. For your convenience you may use a credit or debit card online through your Skyward Family Access account usingRevTrak.The District Child Nutrition office, 615-472-3728, can also enter the monies intoRevTrakfrom a credit or debit card for you.
  • How do I sign up for Free and Reduced Meals?A free and reduced application must be filled out eachyear.You can find that application online through your Skyward Family Access account.Each family will also receive an application with the back to school forms that are sent home.Please check the District Child Nutrition Office, 615-794-6624, if you have any questions about Free and Reduced applications and your family eligibility. You will receive a letter indicating your application has been processed and your eligibility determination.
  • Can my child buy extras like ice cream?We offer ice cream and other additional items for sale to students who have money in their accounts or cash with them.All extra items, (alacarte items) are Smart Snack compliant. If a child has a negative balance, they will not be able to purchasealacarteitems.FES limits ice cream purchases to an assigned day of the week by grade level.
  • May I come have lunch with my child?Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch. You must sign in the office with a photo ID to receive a visitor’s badge.Please meet your child in the cafeteria.Your child and you will sit at a designated Visitors' Table in the cafeteria.Once you finish lunch, you will need to return to the front office to sign out.
  • May I bring in lunch for my child from their favorite restaurant?The FSSD policy 3.50 states: “Students will be permitted to bring their lunches from home and to purchase beverages and incidental items.Breakfast and lunch brought from outside food service facilitieswill not be permitted to be consumedin the cafeteria.”
  • What happens if my child forgets his lunch or lunch money?What happens if my child’s account develops a negative balance?All children in FSSD who want breakfast and lunch will be fed.If your child has a negative balance he or she will not be able to purchasealacarteitems.Please see the FSSD Negative Balance Policy in this handbook for more details.
  • My child prefers to bring his or her lunch, is there anything I cannot send?We do not allow glass containers, energy drinks, coffee drinks or carbonated beverages.
  • My child has a food allergy. How is this handled?The Child Nutrition staff work closely with your school nurse to make sure all allergies that are listed on their Individualized Health Care Plan are noted on their cafeteria account.
  • How is my child expected to behave in the cafeteria? All studens are expected to behave in the cafeteria in a positive manner and are expected to help make the cafeteria a pleasance place for everyone.

Food Brought to School:

  • Parents or others coming to eat lunch with a student in the cafeteria are encouraged to come through the cafeteria line or bring a lunch from home.The FSSD policy 3.500 states: “Students will be permitted to bring their lunches from home and to purchase beverages and incidental items.Breakfast and lunches brought from outside food service facilitieswill not be permitted to be consumedin the cafeteria”.
  • Birthday Celebrations and Classroom Parties:
    • FSSD has adopted a district-wide protocol which prohibits food items being brought to school for birthday celebrations.This decision was based on various factors including the dietary restrictions of many students and protecting instructional time.
    • If you would like to send something for your child to pass out to classmates on his/her birthday, you may bringnon-edible itemssuch as pencils, bookmarks, stickers, erasers, etc.You may also choose to dedicate a new book to the library for your child’s birthday.
    • Teachers will continue to have their own ways of recognizing the birthday child and making him/her feel special that day.
    • You may purchase an ice-cream treat for all students in the classroom to enjoy atlunch time.This can be done by ordering and purchasing from the cafeteria two weeks prior to your child’s celebration day, the Ice Cream form can be obtained at the Front office.Ice-cream treats available to the students will include options for those students with food allergies and other dietary restrictions.
    • Food items will still be allowed for the four classroomparties whichoccur around holidays and the end of the school year including October, December, February and May, and at other school specific special events.These events are at the discretion of the school principal and are to be submitted in advance for his/her approval.
    • Food items brought in for these celebrations must be clearly labeled with all ingredients and those being brought into “Allergy Alert” classrooms must not contain items restricted in that classroom.

Visitors Table:When possible, a visitor’s table will be assigned in the cafeteria for parents and visitors to eat lunch with a student.The student may invite one child to eat lunch with the visitors.

Franklin Special School District – Meal Charge Administrative Procedure:Families will have access to the meal charge administrative procedure via publication in the student handbook, FSSD website, and included with the Free and Reduced applications. Families of transfer students (during the year) will receive a written copy of the district-wide charge administrative procedure in the student handbook, FSSD website and with the Free and Reduced applications.

  • Local Charge Administrative Procedure Considerations –General:Students who are unable to pay for their meals at the time of the meal service are allowed to charge Breakfast and Lunch. Students charging breakfast and/or lunch will receive reimbursable meals.
  • Student with a negative balance will not be able to chargealacarteitems.If a Parent send in cash for analacarteitem the student may use the cash for that item.
  • Household Notification(Negative balance notification):
    • The FCS department will send out a negative balance email to the parent’s email address each Saturday.
    • The FCS manager at the student’s school will send home a notice through the child’s teacher weekly.
    • The FCS department will use Blackboard Connect Ed to call every family with a negative balance of $20.00 or more on the 15thand 30thof the month.
    • Any student’s whose account is over $30.00 will receive a phone call from the FCS manager at that child school.
    • Any account over $40.00 will receive a mailed letter from the FCSoffice whichwill include a free and reduced form as well as a copy of the child’s account statement.
    • Any account over $50.00 whichhas not been cleared after receipt of the letter will receive a personal phone call from the FCS Supervisor.
    • Any account over $75.00 that has not been cleared up after the phone call from the FCS Supervisor will receive a letter from the Associate Director of Schools.
  • Delinquent Debt:Delinquent debt is defined as overdue unpaid meal charges that are considered collectable, with efforts being made to collect them. The debt may remain on the accounting documents until it is either collected or determined to be uncollectible. The debt may be carried over at the end of the school year. The household’s debt will be delinquent for 5 days before the FSSD FCS department requests payment. Records will be withheld until all monies owed FSSD are paid.
  • Repayment plans:Each household may request a repayment plan that will include payment levels and due dates appropriate to a household’s particular circ*mstances. Please contact FSSD FCSSupervisorRobbinCrossat 615-794-6624for establishing a repayment plan.
  • Bad Debt:Bad debt is determined to be uncollectible, with that further collection efforts for delinquent debt deemed useless or too costly. Delinquent debt will be considered as bad debt 90 days after the child leaves FSSD. Bad debt is considered an operating loss and will be restored to the FSSD FCS account out of the FSSD‘s general fund account.
  • Additional Resources:Families may find assistance with applying for free or reduced price schools meals by contactingRobbinCross, FSSD FCSSupervisor, at 615-794-6624.


Each student needs a backpack to carry homework, notes, and other small school materials between school and home. The items are not heavy or cumbersome and neither should the backpacks be.All student backpacks should be more than 11” wide and may not have wheels to be rolled on the ground.

Should you need to bring lunch, money, assignments, etc. to your child during the day, please bring it to the school office and give it to the office staff. They will get it to your child. Make sure your child’s name and teacher’s names are on the items. This is done to eliminate unnecessary interruptions in the classroom.Items such as flowers or balloons should not be delivered to school for your child. They will be held in the office until the end of the day. Such deliveries to the classroom disrupt the learning process.

Parent/guardian conferences for all students will be scheduled between mid-September and mid-October.For other conferences,please make appointments to talk with teachers before school, during the teacher’s planning time, or after school hours.An unannounced visit interrupts teaching and planning. If they know you are coming, they can plan accordingly for your visit. You can call the school office (615-794-1187) to set up an appointment with your child’s teacher.Each teacher has a planning time that may be used for conference time if prior arrangements have been made. A short conversation in the hall can disrupt aclassroom and interrupt an entire day’s schedule.

Parents/guardian are urged to contact their child’s teacher first when there is a concern. The principal and assistant principal have an open-door policy but encourage you to make an appointment for a conference, so they will have the time and attention reserved for you.

The student to whom the book is assigned must pay for books that are damaged or lost.

Please keep the school office informed of any concerns regarding custody issues and your child. The school office needs to have a copy of all official papers and keep them on file in order to meet the directive of the courts.

At the beginning of the school year, each parent will sign a blanket permission form for school field trips. Before each individual field trip, teachers will send out information necessary for parents to stay informed of the off-campus learning opportunities.When additional signatures or money are needed for a field trip, make sure to return them promptly so your child may participate with their class.

The purpose of the guidance program is to help students begin to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to become healthy, productive citizens. The school counselor provides guidance services on an individual, group, or classroom basis.The school counselor works with students, staff, parents, and the community to create a caring atmosphere where children’s needs are met through prevention, early identification, and intervention. If you have any questions about our guidance program, you may contact Andrea Gillette.

Invitations to personal parties should not be distributed at school unless they are given to every child in the class.Invitations to single-gender parties may be distributed if every boy or girl in the class is invited.

All students have regularly scheduled library periods. The school library has an excellent selection of books available for loan to children. The student to whom the books were loaned must pay for library books that are lost.

Misplaced clothing and personal items are always a concern. Parents are encouraged to label all clothing so misplaced items may be returned to their owner.Any lost and found clothing item will be displayed outside of the cafeteria. At regular intervals, items left in lost and found will be donated to local charities or thrift stores.

Franklin Elementary School offers a morning and after school care program from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 p.m.If you would like more information on this program,please call 615-591- 2813.

When attending school events, the Franklin Special School District recognizes that attendees often want to videotape and/or photograph the students. However, in an effort to respect the privacy concerns of others, as well as to honor the state and federal privacy laws of individualstudents whose parents/guardians have specifically requested not to be photographed, the District strongly requests that any video footage and/or still images of non-custodial students NOT be posted online to sites such as, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.Although the FSSD strongly urges attendees to respect the privacy of others, families must also recognize that the District has no means for preventing attendees from taking such actions. A general courtesy is to ask for parental permission before posting video or photographs of students/families online.

Students are not allowed to bring toys, virtual pets, trading cards, cell phones, smart watchesor other personal items to school that would distract them or others from the learning process. This especially includes weapons or toy weapons that might be used to threaten, scare, or injure other students. Personal items that are confiscated at school may be retrieved from school by the parent.

K-4 students will receive a Standards Based Report Card each 9-week period as well as a mid-quarter Progress Report.

The Shared Leadership Team (SLT) at FES is made up of representatives for teachers, parents, support staff, and administration.Their purpose is to serve as the site-based decision making group for matters that involve the FES community.If you are interested in serving on this council, please contact Dr. Carrigan.

In most cases, the FSSD will use the Parentsquarecommunication platform to inform families of school closures.Parents/guardian should also listen to the local mediafor updates on possible school closures due to weather. Remember that we are listed as “Franklin Special School District” or “Franklin City Schools” (notFranklin County or Williamson County).

If inclement weather begins while school is in session, parents should monitor the local radio and TV station or call the school office to see if school is being dismissed early.

Each parent/guardian should complete and keep updated the form made available by the school regarding transportation plans if students are released early due to weather.


Parents are a vital part of the educational system.We encourage all parents to be informed about their child’s progress.Franklin Special Schools offer a parent-teacher conference in the fall semester at the end of the first nine-week grading period. Ongoing communication is encouraged and valued. Franklin Elementary School provides a bi-monthly newsletter, mid-grade period progress reports, nine-week report cards, andTCAP testing schedules.Additionally, every school employee is accessible by email through the school website: www.fssd.org.Parents/guardians and guardians can call or email to communicate with FES staff as needed.

Franklin Elementary has numerous opportunities for parent participation. Please visit the PTO section of the website for those events for these opportunities.


Every person who comes to the school must report first to the office.

FSSD Board of EducationPolicy 1.501 (Visitors to School District Properties - Security management) states,“all visitors shall be required to present a valid, government-issued photo ID when they enter any school building or office during normal hours of operation and all visitors may be subject to a background check.”Visitors will then be given a visitor’s sticker that they must wear while in the building.

Those who are simply visiting the office for the purpose of speaking to staff, filling out paperwork, or dropping items off do not need to present identification. However, anyone who wishes to visit an area beyond the office must abide by this revised policy.

Public schools arenotpublic places and school officials have a duty to protect the students while they are on campus. While we always welcome visitors and guests, we understand this very serious obligation and are proud that our school board has deemed this a priority by placing it in policy.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.